Greene Farms – Real Estate Market Update – Dec. 2018

Latest Market Information for Farms in Greene County, Virginia
(This real estate market report includes information through 12/31/2018 for Greene County, Virginia.)
There are a few active farm listings in Greene County, Virginia with the majority of them being for small farms, between 21 and 50 acres. At year end, there were a total of nine active listings for farms for sale, with six of those being for small farms. There were no active listings for mid-size farms, and three listings for large farms, over 100 acres in size. There was just one farm sold in the past 12 months, with no pending sales.
Farms priced between $500K and $1 million have the most available listings, with four of the nine active listings falling into this price range. There are two listings for farms priced under $500K, two priced between $1 million and $2 million, and one listing priced over $2 million.
If you have any questions about this real estate market information, or would like to talk about buying or selling your Greene County farm or other Central Virginia real estate, please contact me at or 434-220-0256.
If you’re looking for information on farms in other parts of Central Virginia, you can find that here:
Central Virginia Farms – Dec. 2018
Albemarle County Farms – Dec. 2018
Madison County Farms – Dec. 2018
Orange County Farms – Dec. 2018