Cropland in the U.S.

Cropland in the U.S. is now more consolidated than ever

The United States Department of Agriculture reports that half of U.S. cropland is now concentrated on farms with 1200 acres or more. The mean acreage of farms has changed only slightly over the last 30 years, hovering around 250 acres in the years since 2007. Since this figure belies the actual changes that are happening in U.S. agriculture, a new term has been devised to accurately reflect the industry. Midpoint acreage is the point in which half of all cropland acres are on farms with more cropland than the midpoint and half are on farms with less. It’s a much better indication of where farms are going in this country. The midpoint acreage for U.S. farms doubled between 1982 and 2007, from 589 to 1105, meaning there are less farms in the middle and a greater number of farms that are either small or very large. The midpoint acreage has increased to some extent in 45 out of the 50 states (declines occurred in Hawaii, Alabama, and southern New England). The midpoint acreage more than doubled in 16 of those states…12 states in the Western Corn Belt and Northern Plains States had the largest increase. But with regard to farms and rural estates in the Greater Charlottesville area, it’s worth noting that states in the Appalachian and Southeast regions used to account for 18.5% of all cropland in 1950 and now account for 11.2% (as of 2007). This is in part related to the decline of cotton and tobacco acreage, central cash crops to these areas in the past. The midpoint acreage doubled in corn, rice, soybeans, and wheat. There is some evidence to suggest that cropland consolidation may have slowed between 2007 and 2011, with the number of small farms on the rise again, due to a rising consumer demand for local crops and popular choices by people who want to combine rural life with small-scale, part-time farming. Here we’ll look at why consolidation happens and what it means.

So the midpoint acreage, which is a more accurate way to track and evaluate cropland consolidation, has risen by over 100% in 16 states. It’s evident that our agricultural systems are geared to larger farms, pretty similar to the advantages that large chain retail outlets have over small businesses. The biggest increases were seen in states where most of the land was cropland, and especially in states where crop fields were likely to be large and contiguous. The trend towards consolidation also favored areas with lower population densities, as more land is available for cultivation and there is less competition with the housing sector.


The advent of technology is one of the main things fueling cropland consolidation in this country. In agriculture as opposed to other industries, it’s less about economies of scale (the cost advantages that come from being a large organization, usually results in the price per unit of output going down as expenses are spread out over larger levels of input). Here we’re talking more about inventions that save labor and allow labor to be repurposed for other things. This eventually leads to the farming of more acres. These inventions don’t even necessarily need to favor larger farms; they just need to result in the expansion of cropland in general.

The tractor has been around since the early 20s. It proved to be one of the most revolutionary agricultural inventions of the century. By 1960, tractors had replaced 23 million draft animals, and the 79 million acres of land required to feed them had been converted into commercial cropland. It also reduced the labor required to produce agricultural output for 1960 by 1.7 million workers, 24% of the workforce in that year. The ones who remained working were used for several other labor-intensive jobs on the farm, and—most central to the point of this discussion—labor went to farm expansion. Mechanical harvesters are also worth mentioning here, speaking to the effects of mechanization on farm expansion. Bigger, faster equipment is most valuable where fields are large, flat and contiguous…the Western Corn Belt, the Plains, the Mississippi Delta etc.

Pesticides were another labor-saving innovation that made a huge impact during the 20th century, especially chemical herbicides. The sale of chemical herbicides climbed from 35 million in 1960 to 469 million in 1980, with farmers substituting using the chemicals in lieu of more labor-intensive methods of weeding and crop maintenance. With the amount of labor/acre required, farmers could manage even more land, thus resulting in expansion.

The advent and influence of precision agriculture are still difficult to measure, but it will doubtlessly have an impact on farming if it hasn’t already. The ability to measure, account for, and respond to crop variability both on and off the field will eventually save farmers considerable time and labor. Crop variability has both spatial and topological considerations. GPS technology has already proven to optimize returns while reducing the amount of resources necessary to complete given tasks. Farmers can already create spatial representations of their fields in the form of maps that are related to yield, the form of the terrain, topography, moisture and nitrogen readings, etc. Specific technology that’s already available includes pest monitors that track and identify the presence of pests at spraying time, auto-steering and guidance systems for tractors, and laser guidance for field leveling and drip irrigation. As it’s a fairly recent development, precision technology can’t really account for the extent of cropland consolidation up until this point, but there can be little doubt that it will become integral to farming practices. At least at present, these innovations are accessed through capital technology, so there are certainly elements of a scale economy here. The cost of such technologies gets distributed among a larger share of output.

Differences in farm organization/specialization

For the first half of the century, most farmers worked with both crops and livestock. Toward the middle of the century, there arose a trend towards specialization. The first manifestation of this was the separation of livestock and crops. Since the tractor essentially replaced animal husbandry, farmers started to choose between either work with livestock or with crops. Now as of 2000, less than 30% of crop farmers have chickens, cows, or hogs and those that do tend to choose one species. This shift affects the crops that farmers choose to grow. Most farmers had to grow crops with which to feed their livestock, mostly corn. This specialization led to more free time for farmers; those who wished to work full-time were able to devote more time and resources to expand their acreage. Focusing on one crop means that farmers can invest in more specialized equipment and cultivate crop-specific knowledge for production savings. It would also make sense to grow crops that required similar soil characteristics.

Specialization isn’t always the safest bet, however. It carries greater risks. The fewer crops you have, the more susceptible you are if your crop fails for whatever reason. Crop blight, climate or soil issues, or unfavorable price flux on one end or another…these are all risks. Diversification brings advantages, especially if your main crops are harvested at different times of year. Farmers can reduce the number of pests and improve soil quality through rotating crops in and out of fields. Farms in the U.S. tend to balance the advantages and risks of specialization by focusing on a few crops. Most of them aren’t completely specialized, but most of them aren’t very diversified either. 22% of crop production occurred on farms that produced only a single crop and 30% occurred on farms with just two crops. To protect against the risks, many farm transactions are organized through contracts between farmers and buyers. They reduce financial risks by providing a secure outlet for output and making farmers less susceptible to price flux.

Contracts and federal policies

Agricultural contracts are also relevant to the discussion. Production contracts (more related to livestock production, nonetheless pertinent to the discussion). They specify services provided by a farmer on behalf of a contractor. The contractor owns the commodity while it’s being cultivated by the farmer. Production contracts stipulate services provided, the manner in which the farmer gets compensated, and the contractor’s responsibility to facilitate production. Marketing contracts are more relevant to crop farming. They focus on the product itself rather than the services. They set prices, delivery outlets, and quantities. Other kinds specify specific methods for determining price, reducing a farmer’s exposure to sudden price flux. There are contracts out on 40% of all crop production in the U.S. and, predictably larger farms are more likely to use marketing contracts.

Tax policies can affect the prices for capital goods, making them cheaper. If it helps farmers buy more capital equipment, we can assume that possession and mastery of this equipment will eventually free up time and resources for farmers who will then expand their acreage. USDA lending programs extend credit to farmers who may not be able to obtain them elsewhere…in that way, they also limit cropland consolidation by giving smaller farms a chance. 40% of the funding for the mechanized tomato harvester was funded by the government, so we can see that the government makes certain technologies available that encourage cropland consolidation. The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 gives the FDA new enforcement authorities. They apply new standards for growers of fruits and vegetables and impose higher costs on farms that fail to meet these standards. Those that sell the majority of their products directly to consumers or retail outlets within 275 miles of their farms or have $500,000 or less in annual sales are often exempt. So the government’s role in agriculture can work for or against cropland consolidation.

The future

The biggest farms in the U.S. are huge…some of them in the low hundred thousands and growing (if this research on cropland consolidation is any indication). Despite this, the family farm is still king in America. Since family farms are considered such solely because of their ownership, 96% of U.S. crop farms are considered family farms. 87% of the crop value of is produced by these family farms. There isn’t really any evidence of systemic decline of the family farm in the U.S., unlike other countries. Families can manage huge operations, but land is only getting more expensive. The cost of land and the cost of capital equipment represent extremely high startup costs before a farm can be successfully up and running. You can rent or lease a lot of the necessary capital, but it’s still pretty risky to tie one family’s livelihood up in one massive venture like that. Precision agriculture reduces the advantage of family farming in that the optimized technology often undermines a family’s localized knowledge. Not only that, but farmers or family members won’t be as adept at using capital technology from the onset and will have to rely on outside help and contracted managers at first. Nevertheless, there is nothing to indicate that family farms will go anywhere in the U.S., although maybe we should start calling them extended family farms.

U.S. Beef Prices near Historic Highs

Have you noticed the price of beef lately?  In April of this year, beef prices reached historic highs due to the decreasing supply of cattle going to slaughter.  The U.S. inventory of cattle is expected to increase next year due to farmers not culling their herds as tightly as well as holding back their young stock.  With pasture conditions improving in the Midwest, farmers are able to produce cattle with heavier carcass weights, which is helping to offset some of the decrease in supply, but it is also allowing them to retain their cattle longer before taking them to market.  Commercial beef production in the U.S. is  expected to decline to a multi-decade low of 24 billion this year according to the USDA.

Global markets are responding to the U.S. price surge.  The Australian cattle industry is experiencing severe drought conditions in many beef producing areas and beef prices there are extremely low.  Seeing opportunity in the overseas markets, they have exported to the U.S. 412.3 million pounds of beef between January and April of this year.

Cattle Farming in Virginia

Virginia Cattle FarmsVirginia’s topography, relatively mild clim­ate, and various levels of elevation make it an ideal location for a variety of agricultural pursuits within the state’s different regions. The cattle industry is not least among these. Particularly in the western part of the state with its higher elevation, cattle farmers take advantage of the miles of sprawling pasture to breed and raise feeder calves which are typically weaned around 7-9 months. As you probably know or can assume, livestock is not one integrated, homogenized industry. It’s extremely uncommon for one farm to raise an infant cow to adulthood; it’s more efficient to consolidate the training, resources, and labor required for one stage and to focus on that. Your porterhouse steak or cheeseburger was likely born and bred on one farm, shipped to another operation after a few months, and then “finished” at a feedlot with a bunch of other cows. At this point in the process, the cows (varying in age from little over a year to over two and a half years) are anywhere from 1000 to 1500 pounds! As you’ll see, certain steps in the operation lend themselves better to certain climates and regions. It’s pretty normal for cattle farmers in Virginia to send their weaning calves off to feeding lots all over the country, especially up north to Pennsylvania, which is the closest market for feeder cattle on the coast.

There are four distinct stages of cattle production in the beef industry. Beyond these, the beef must be processed, packaged, and approved for public consumption.


Like all forms of life, the cattle industry begins with genetics. In this phase, special consideration is given to breed. Branding is every bit as important here as it is in the marketing of other products: consider the weight of terms like “angus” or “wagyu” beef. The cows must have documented pedigrees and in most cases must be registered with a breed association (i.e. the Belted Galloway Society in Staunton, Virginia). These measures protect the brand. Within this sector, seedstock operators make decisions, the implications of which last for years. They are the source of bulls and new genetics. The idea is to use thoughtful, deliberate breeding to engineer “genetically superior” cows. Artificial insemination is central to this segment of the cattle industry, as it helps to quickly introduce superior genetics into herds of cattle. The relative nature of terms like “quality” or “superiority” leaves much of the seedstock operator’s job open to interpretation. A breeder has countless considerations. S/he must attempt to predict and intuit the market, and a reputation for having excellent or substandard product tends to be quite lasting.

Most of the revenue generated in this sector comes from the sale of yearling bulls, generally no older than 18 or so months. These bulls can be extremely valuable based on their genes. Seedstock operators can also make money by selling:


-Young breeding females

-Older bulls that have lost most of their reproductive potential,

-“Genetically inferior” cattle as commercial feeders

-Genetic materials like semen or embryos

The seedstock operation can be further subdivided into elite and multipliergroups. An operator belonging to the former group would be more expressly concerned with making improvements to the breed and manipulating genetics. Elite operators sell their bulls, semen and embryos to other seedstock operators. Multiplier operators interact more directly with the cow/calf operators at the next step in the livestock chain.

 Cow-Calf Operation

 This second segment is by far the most prevalent, with regard to both total designated acreage and the number of operations compared to the other sectors of the cattle-rearing industry. This operation by-and-large is sustained by breeding a herd of permanent cows to produce calves for sale. These mother cows are either raised from infancy on the farm or purchased from a seedstock operation (in which case they may be used to produce purebred beef). Their offspring—the commercial feeder cows—are raised from infancy and weaned between 7 and 9 months, when they reach a weight between roughly 400 and 650 pounds. The goal of this operation is to produce a regular generation of feeder calves annually.

Cow-calf operations are usually established on pasturelands unsuitable for the cultivation of row-crops. The livestock is raised on forage from the pasturelands, often supplemented with vitamins and minerals as the operation sees fit. In the U.S., this sector of the industry is concentrated in the western and southeastern parts of the country. Cow-calf operations in these parts of the country have a few significant advantages. They have longer grazing seasons, so there is less need to stockpile additional forage for the winter months. Operations in the Midwest must endure longer, more severe winters and this takes a toll a significant toll on revenue. What the Midwest, Southeast, and Western regions have in common is an abundance of large open pasture space, although in the Southeast, cow-calf operations are generally smaller, with many functioning as part-time operations.

From the outset, a person hoping to put a foot into the door of this sector would require substantial intermediate—long-term investment. From an economic perspective, this operation is largely cyclical. The beef industry follows a 10-12 year cycle of growth and diminishing, wherein the usual supply-demand principles are in effect. As farmers, ranchers, and operators across all four sectors increase their stock in response to favorable/profitable conditions, demand predictably diminishes. At this point, the industry limits the number of stock, trying to find agreement between the supply and demand curves.



 When they are between 7 to 9 months old and between 400 and 650 pounds, feeder calves are ready to leave the cow-calf operation. There are several problems associated with this transitional phase, which become exacerbated when present in large number of cows. This is a difficult period for the young cows, as they have been freshly weaned, are adjusting to changes in diet, being marketed extensively for different bidders and ultimately being shipped or otherwise transported to unfamiliar surroundings. This confluence of factors, coupled with the presence of foreign cows can result in Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (BRDC). Also known as “shipping fever” or pneumonia, this illness is responsible for between 45 and 75% of the deaths in some feedlots. When afflicted, cows will adopt mannerisms and behaviors symptomatic of depression. Look for drooped ears (think Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh) and a bowed neck. The cows also tend to stand isolated…eventually they will stop eating. Their respiratory rate increases; their lungs start to create noise (audible with the aid of a stethoscope); their temperatures float around104-108 degrees.

The backgrounder serves as a buffer between the cow-calf operators and the feedlots. Feedlot operators have become increasingly reticent to deal with BRDC, and often the symptoms manifest themselves after the calves leave the cow-calf operation (typically one to three weeks after purchase). Calves generally spend between one and six months being “conditioned” by the backgrounders. As they are seeing calves through a difficult, transitory time, backgrounders must be very cognizant of nutritional standards. They generally have access to at least rudimentary health management facilities. There must be in place a feeding infrastructure capable of producing intermediate energy to sustain cows. There is considerable price risk in running a backgrounding operation, especially considering the aforementioned conditions that are present in several of the calves. Nevertheless, this sector of the cattle industry is crucial in bridging the gap between cow-calf operations—where cows are essentially produced—and feedlots where the cows are fattened for the slaughter. Backgrounders typically buy several small groups of cows, identify and address any health issues, and repackage them into larger groups, which are more attractive to the owners/operators of commercial feedlots.

 Cattle Finishing

 Cattle finishing is the final sector of the cattle industry (besides the post-production aspects like slaughter, processing, packaging and retail). At this point, feeder calves have been weaned, and are taken to feedlots. The name is very indicative of the procedure; cows are fed a high-grain diet (generally corn). They exist only to eat, gaining as much weight as possible before marketing, and generally health concerns and other “growing pains” are of little concern.

These commercial feedlots may receive feeder cattle from either cow-calf operations or backgrounding operations, which do more to prepare cows for life on the feedlot. The cattle they receive range from freshly weaned seven-month-olds to yearlings. At this point, the cattle finisher switches from a primarily pasture, forage-based diet to a high-grain diet on substances like corn. When their tenure at the feedlot comes to an end, cattle can weigh anywhere between 1000 and 1350 pounds…sometimes even more! Cattle spend more time at this sector than anywhere else in the cattle industry, generally a length of time that spans between 14 months and 30 months. The cows are cultivating mass.

In other big cattle-producing regions (primarily Australia), cows in feedlots are grass-fed. In America they are mostly grain-fed, with corn being the primary source of nutrition. Effective feedlots have access to large amounts of low-priced grain with which to sustain cows. Due to its climate and topography, Virginia is an ideal place for cow-calf operations, but not so much for feedlots, at least if feedlot operators are using the high-grain diet which typifies the American cattle industry. But in recent years, there has been a surge in the grass-fed cow industry; through food marketing and increased health-awareness, many Americans are espousing a preference for grass-fed beef. Virginia, with its plethora of rolling pastures and uplands, is ideal for grass-fed cows. Especially with farms in the Madison, Nelson and Albemarle counties; there is considerable interest in the farm-to-table concept in Charlottesville, a city whose chefs are generally well-known in the culinary industry.